#3 | Ungraded (2.800m) (xx) Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Race Horses - Petra Dappert Got No Blues - Nereus Race Horses - Kirsten Hellewege
#4 | Maiden (1.100m) (xx) Lion The King xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
#5 | Maiden (1.700m) (xx) Dreaming Sibyl xx - Rv Ehra - Vince Schäfer Silberstreif xx - Gestüt Allertal Highland Cooler - Sandtime Farm - Nadine Grothe
#6 | Maiden (2.800m) (xx) Claríce - Nereus Race Horses - Lisa Henrich
#7 | Allowance (1.100m) (xx) BF Laughable - Nereus Race Horses - René Pietermann Comeback for More - Sandtime Farm - Nadine Grothe
#8 | Allowance (1.700m) (xx) Zaubermädchen RS xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
#9 | Allowance (2.800m) (xx)
#10 | G III (1.100m) (xx) Evergreen RS xx - Gestüt Allertal Searching for Truth FW - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling Deadly Fairy's Hustle - Sandtime Farm - Matthew Walker
#11 | G III (1.700m) (xx)
#12 | G III (2.800m) (xx) Caribic Girl xx - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena R U Kitten Me - Nereus Race Horses - Lucia Delfonso
#13 | G II (1.100m) (xx) Magic Woman RS xx - Gestüt Allertal Soullegende RS - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling
#14 | G II (1.700m) (xx)
#15 | G II (2.800m) (xx)
#16 | G I (1.100m) (xx) Santa Anita xx - Rv Ehra - Vince Schäfer
#17 | G I (1.700m) (xx) Afterglow RS - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling Ridiculous Selvie - Sandtime Farm - Matthew Walker
#18 | G I (2.800m) (xx)
#19 | Ungraded (1.100m) (ox)
#20 | Ungraded (1.700m) (ox)
#21 | Ungraded (2.800m) (ox)
#22 | Maiden (1.100m) (ox)
#23 | Maiden (1.700m) (ox)
#24 | Maiden (2.800m) (ox)
#25 | Allowance (1.100m) (ox)
#26 | Allowance (1.700m) (ox)
#27 | Allowance (2.800m) (ox)
#28 | G III (1.100m) (ox)
#29 | G III (1.700m) (ox) A.T. Wind Runner AA - Gestüt Allertal
#30 | G III (2.800m) (ox)
#31 | G II (1.100m) (ox)
#32 | G II (1.700m) (ox)
#33 | G II (2.800m) (ox)
#34 | G I (1.100m) (ox) A.T. Saqqar bin El Sahib ox - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A Take Time - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling A.T. Wonder Boy AA - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B
#35 | G I (1.700m) (ox) Downside Fae - Sandtime Farm - Amanda Vlijmen Afanasei - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling A.T. Dancing Leave AA - Gestüt Allertal
#36 | G I (2.800m) (ox) A.T. Candan bint Blacks Rose - Sandtime Farm - Cara You
#37 | Reitpferderennen (für alle Pferde offen) (1.500m)
#38 | Reitponyrennen (für alle Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#39 | Stutenrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m) Grace Kelly - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#40 |Hengstrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m) Lilion - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#41 | Wallachrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#3 | Ungraded (2.800m) (xx) Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Race Horses - Petra Dappert Got No Blues - Nereus Race Horses - Kirsten Hellewege
#4 | Maiden (1.100m) (xx) Lion The King xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
#5 | Maiden (1.700m) (xx) Dreaming Sibyl xx - Rv Ehra - Vince Schäfer Silberstreif xx - Gestüt Allertal Highland Cooler - Sandtime Farm - Nadine Grothe
#6 | Maiden (2.800m) (xx) Claríce - Nereus Race Horses - Lisa Henrich
#7 | Allowance (1.100m) (xx) BF Laughable - Nereus Race Horses - René Pietermann Comeback for More - Sandtime Farm - Nadine Grothe
#8 | Allowance (1.700m) (xx) Zaubermädchen RS xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
#9 | Allowance (2.800m) (xx)
#10 | G III (1.100m) (xx) Evergreen RS xx - Gestüt Allertal Searching for Truth FW - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling Deadly Fairy's Hustle - Sandtime Farm - Matthew Walker
#11 | G III (1.700m) (xx)
#12 | G III (2.800m) (xx) Caribic Girl xx - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena R U Kitten Me - Nereus Race Horses - Lucia Delfonso
#13 | G II (1.100m) (xx) Magic Woman RS xx - Gestüt Allertal Soullegende RS - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling
#14 | G II (1.700m) (xx)
#15 | G II (2.800m) (xx)
#16 | G I (1.100m) (xx) Santa Anita xx - Rv Ehra - Vince Schäfer
#17 | G I (1.700m) (xx) Afterglow RS - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling Ridiculous Selvie - Sandtime Farm - Matthew Walker
#18 | G I (2.800m) (xx)
#19 | Ungraded (1.100m) (ox)
#20 | Ungraded (1.700m) (ox)
#21 | Ungraded (2.800m) (ox)
#22 | Maiden (1.100m) (ox)
#23 | Maiden (1.700m) (ox)
#24 | Maiden (2.800m) (ox)
#25 | Allowance (1.100m) (ox)
#26 | Allowance (1.700m) (ox)
#27 | Allowance (2.800m) (ox)
#28 | G III (1.100m) (ox)
#29 | G III (1.700m) (ox) A.T. Wind Runner AA - Gestüt Allertal
#30 | G III (2.800m) (ox)
#31 | G II (1.100m) (ox)
#32 | G II (1.700m) (ox)
#33 | G II (2.800m) (ox)
#34 | G I (1.100m) (ox) A.T. Saqqar bin El Sahib ox - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A Take Time - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling A.T. Wonder Boy AA - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B
#35 | G I (1.700m) (ox) Downside Fae - Sandtime Farm - Amanda Vlijmen Afanasei - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling A.T. Dancing Leave AA - Gestüt Allertal
#36 | G I (2.800m) (ox) A.T. Candan bint Blacks Rose - Sandtime Farm - Cara You
#37 | Reitpferderennen (für alle Pferde offen) (1.500m)
#38 | Reitponyrennen (für alle Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#39 | Stutenrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m) Grace Kelly - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#40 |Hengstrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m) Lilion - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena Adriano - Gut Confianza - Caro
#41 | Wallachrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#6 | Maiden (2.800m) (xx) 1. Phantom 2. Claríce - Nereus Race Horses - Lisa Henrich 3. Phantom 4. Phantom
#7 | Allowance (1.100m) (xx) 1. Comeback for More - Sandtime Farm - Nadine Grothe 2. Phantom 3. BF Laughable - Nereus Race Horses - René Pietermann 4. Phantom
#8 | Allowance (1.700m) (xx) 1. Zaubermädchen RS xx - VRH Allertal - Freddy 2. Phantom 3. Phantom 4. Phantom
#9 | Allowance (2.800m) (xx) ENTFALLEN
#10 | G III (1.100m) (xx) 1. Searching for Truth FW - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling 2. Deadly Fairy's Hustle - Sandtime Farm - Matthew Walker 3. Evergreen RS xx - Gestüt Allertal 4. Phantom
#11 | G III (1.700m) (xx) ENTFALLEN
#12 | G III (2.800m) (xx) 1. Phantom 2. R U Kitten Me - Nereus Race Horses - Lucia Delfonso 3. Phantom 4. Caribic Girl xx - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#13 | G II (1.100m) (xx) 1. Soullegende RS - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling 2. Magic Woman RS xx - Gestüt Allertal 3. Phantom 4. Phantom
#14 | G II (1.700m) (xx) ENTFALLEN
#15 | G II (2.800m)(xx) ENTFALLEN
#16 | G I (1.100m)(xx) 1. Santa Anita xx - Rv Ehra - Vince Schäfer 2. Phantom 3. Phantom 4. Phantom
#17 | G I (1.700m) (xx) 1. Phantom 2. Afterglow RS - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling 3. Phantom 4. Ridiculous Selvie - Sandtime Farm - Matthew Walker
#18 | G I (2.800m) (xx) ENTFALLEN
#19 | Ungraded (1.100m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#20 | Ungraded (1.700m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#21 | Ungraded (2.800m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#22 | Maiden (1.100m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#23 | Maiden (1.700m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#24 | Maiden (2.800m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#25 | Allowance (1.100m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#26 | Allowance (1.700m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#27 | Allowance (2.800m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#28 | G III (1.100m) (xx) ENTFALLEN
#29 | G III (1.700m) (ox) 1. A.T. Wind Runner AA - Gestüt Allertal 2. Phantom 3. Phantom 4. Phantom
#30 | G III (2.800m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#31 | G II (1.100m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#32 | G II (1.700m) (ox) ENTFALLEN
#33 | G II (2.800m)(ox) ENTFALLEN
#34 | G I (1.100m)(ox) 1. Take Time - Sandtime Farm - Amy Haling 2. A.T. Wonder Boy AA - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B 3. A.T. Saqqar bin El Sahib ox - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A 4. Phantom