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Nennungen wie folgt: Pferdename- Hofname- Reitername & Pferdename- Hofname- Reitername
Besondere Hinweise:
- Ein Team besteht aus 4 (verschiedenen!) Reitern und 4 (verschiedenen!) Pferden - Paarprüfungen bestehen aus 2 Reitern - Ihr könnt einen Teamnamen in Klammern dahinter schreiben, wenn ihr das möchtet, ist aber kein muss - Reiter dürfen in so vielen Teams/Paaren starten, wie sie möchten, solange es unterschiedliche Pferde und Reiter sind - Auch virtuelle Reiter dürfen in Teams/Paarprüfungen starten - Ihr müsst natürlich nicht von ein und demselben Hof kommen, aber ihr müsst im Team nennen!
Prüfungen #1 | Paardressur E
#2 | Paardressur A
#3 | Paardressur L
#4 | Paardressur M*
#5 | Paardressur S*
#6 | Paarspringen E
#7 | Paarspringen A
#8 | Paarspringen L
#9 | Paarspringen M*
#10 | Paarspringen S*
#11 | Mannschaftsdressur E
#12 | Mannschaftsdressur A
#13 | Mannschaftsdressur L
#14 | Mannschaftsspringen E
#15 | Mannschaftsspringen A
#16 | Mannschaftsspringen L
#17 | Mannschaftsgeschicklichkeitswettbewerb (Pferde ab 3 Jahre, müssen eingeritten sein)
#1 | Paardressur E SBS Charming Coradina & SBS Coco Chanel - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Luminairscassy xx & Weissgold - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Joel Peyton SBS Amado & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me & Imperial de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Cedric Durand Simmsalabimm & SBS Aphrodite - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Emilia Louise Holt
#2 | Paardressur A Adorable Vice JAM & Confianza's Banolera - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Don Ramond JAM & Nachtheld JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Celtic Star & Weissherbst JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Heart Beats True & Lia Granada SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Hidalgo JAM & FJG Crusador - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Kleiner Onkel & Merlin - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Lea Eibler S Darshana & Ballerina - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Tabitha Nobel Chayton & Aurora´s Cordofino - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Michael Sommer Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Melina & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl & Jérôme Becker
#3 | Paardressur L Haakon & Milano - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Jule Pohl PS Jasons Late Night Show & Athene FR - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fairytale MW & FWs Revival - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel Mona Lisa & Twilight Theory - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel A.T. Loriot & Elfenprinz - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Lea Eibler Lord Nelson & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Jule Pohl Dancing Pleasure & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl & Hannah Isabella Thompson Calimera SHJ & Electra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM & Kalibra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Cricket & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Mia Nobel MC Tinkerbell & Naphtali MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nordheld Rose MW & Quenia de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Cedric Durand Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Ventura & A.T. Geronimo - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Captain Jack J & Chico's Way - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont & Cedric Durand Don Picar SHJ & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Jet Black xx & Orpheus SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#4 | Paardressur M* D´Artagnan & Golden Sunlight - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Mia Nobel Charming Comtesse SHJ & Contae Chiarraí - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Dreaming of Stars xx & Heaven Can Wait - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Michael Sommer Nevilla & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Red Sunset xx & Remember - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Royal Rendezvous & Cassini Picaro Rb - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Freibeuter SHJ & GS Remolino Rh - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Hiscox Ascaro MA & Ninja - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Royal Blanch & SBS Charming Champ - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#5 | Paardressur S* Black Soldier DGN & Diamante LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Sternenwanderer & Warrent - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Fymkje CB & Lady Amélie JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson MC Camilla & MC Fabergé - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Kenneth Lamont Nastjenka & Romantica - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SWH Nicht mein Herz & WPE Gamare - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Caballos Gil Vicente Sw & Caballos Lancador - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Candor JAM & Charming Boy - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Pluto Neptuna & Rb's French Freshly KHR - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romancero JAM & Romantic Remember JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romke & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#6 | Paarspringen E Black Soldier DGN & Caballos Lancador - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Emilia Louise Holt Fymkje CB & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Greg Fitzgerald & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me & Imperial de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Cedric Durand Sternenwanderer & SBS Aphrodite - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx & MC Fabergé - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Kenneth Lamont Caballos Lancador & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nastjenka & Romancero JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Emilia Louise Holt SBS Charming Coradina & SBS Coco Chanel - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nachtheld JAM & SBS Amado - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#7 | Paarspringen A Elfenprinz & Adorable Vice JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler & Hannah Isabella Thompson Haakon & Merlin Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Confianza's Banolera & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson MC Camilla & Remember - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jule Pohl MC Tinkerbell & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jérôme Becker Don Picar SHJ & Don Ramond JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Celtic Star & Chayton - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel S Darshana & Weissherbst JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romke & Royal Blanch - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Kenneth Lamont
#8 | Paarspringen L Golden Sunlight & Milano - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Kleiner Onkel & PS Jasons Late Night Show - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Simon Nobel Fairytale MW & Twilight Theory - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Tabitha Nobel Warrent & Dancing Pleasure - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl A.T. Loriot & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Donnertanz SHJ & A.T. Geronimo - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM & Kalibra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Amélie JAM & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Romantica & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Jérôme Becker Candor JAM & Captain Jack J - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Kenneth Lamont FWs Revival & Hiscox Ascaro MA - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Jet Black xx & Rb's French Freshly KHR - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romantic Remember JAM & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Simon Nobel
#9 | Paarspringen M* D´Artagnan & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jule Pohl Athene FR & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Contae Chiarraí & Dreaming of Stars xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Electra SHJ & Heaven Can Wait - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Lia Granada SHJ & Melina - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Jule Pohl Naphtali MW & Red Sunset xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Mia Nobel Royal Rendezvous & Aurora´s Cordofino - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel & Michael Sommer Cassini Picaro Rb & Charming Boy - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Freibeuter SHJ & Ninja - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Vanessa Sasse Orpheus SHJ & SBS Charming Champ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel
#10 | Paarspringen S* Lord Nelson & Calimera SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Charming Comtesse SHJ & Heart Beats True - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Cricket & Nordheld Rose MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Quenia de Reve & SBS Ventura - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Hannah Isabella Thompson Weissgold & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Mia Nobel Chico's Way & Con Vivant - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Hannah Isabella Thompson FJG Crusador & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Michael Sommer & Bill Matt Damon Thompson GS Remolino Rh & Hidalgo JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#11 | Mannschaftsdressur E SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx, Weissgold, Con Vivant & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Amado & SBS Atlantus - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#12 | Mannschaftsdressur A Kleiner Onkel, Merlin, Millionaires Murder BZ & King Artus - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel, Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Amber, Ballerina, S Darshana & Melina - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel, Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Adorable Vice JAM, Confianza's Banolera, Heart Beats True & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Lia Granada SHJ, Aurora´s Cordofino, Chayton & Hidalgo JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Michael Sommer, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Don Ramond JAM, FJG Crusador, Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Michael Sommer, Joel Peyton & Hannah Isabella Thompson Nachtheld JAM, SBS Celtic Star, Weissherbst JAM & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Simon Nobel
#13 | Mannschaftsdressur L A.T. Loriot, Elfenprinz, Lord Nelson & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Lea Eibler, Jérôme Becker & Jule Pohl Haakon, Milano, PS Jasons Late Night Show & Athene FR - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Jule Pohl, Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fairytale MW, Mona Lisa, Twilight Theory & FWs Revival - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Simon Nobel, Tabitha Nobel & Joel Peyton Calimera SHJ, Dancing Pleasure, Donnertanz SHJ & Electra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jule Pohl, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM, Lady Cricket, MC Tinkerbell & Naphtali MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Amélie Lamont & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kalibra SHJ, Quenia de Reve, Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Cedric Durand, Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nordheld Rose MW, SBS Ventura, A.T. Geronimo & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Mia Nobel Captain Jack J, Chico's Way, Don Picar SHJ & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont, Cedric Durand, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Jet Black xx, Orpheus SHJ, Take me to Ateri MW & Golden Sunlight - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Mia Nobel
#14 | Mannschaftsspringen E SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx, Caballos Lancador, Black Soldier DGN & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Amado & SBS Atlantus - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson Sternenwanderer, Fymkje CB, MC Fabergé & Nastjenka - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Greg Fitzgerald, Kenneth Lamont & Emilia Louise Holt SWH Nicht mein Herz, Nachtheld JAM, Romancero JAM & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Joel Peyton & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#15 | Mannschaftsspringen A S Darshana, Merlin, Millionaires Murder BZ & Don Picar SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel, Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Amber, Haakon, S Darshana & Remember- Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel, Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Adorable Vice JAM, Confianza's Banolera, Donnertanz SHJ & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Elfenprinz, Santana FW, Chayton & Don Ramond JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Michael Sommer, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Romancero JAM, MC Camilla, Weissherbst JAM & Romke - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Amélie Lamont, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Cedric Durand Nachtheld JAM, SBS Celtic Star, Royal Blanch & MC Tinkerbell - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Kenneth Lamont & Amélie Lamont
#16 | Mannschaftsspringen L A.T. Loriot, Milano, Golden Sunlight & Kleiner Onkel - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Jule Pohl, Timo Nobel & Mia Nobel PS Jasons Late Night Show, Warrent, Dancing Pleasure & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel, Mia Nobel, Jule Pohl & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Fairytale MW, Freyja of Asgaard JAM, Mona Lisa & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Simon Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kalibra SHJ, Romantica, Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Amélie JAM, Twilight Theory, A.T. Geronimo & Captain Jack J - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Tabitha Nobel, Joel Peyton & Kenneth Lamont Candor JAM, FWs Revival, Hiscox Ascaro MA & Jet Black xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Simon Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Rb's French Freshly KHR, Romantic Remember JAM, Electra SHJ & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jule Pohl
#17 | Mannschaftsgeschicklichkeitswettbewerb (Pferde ab 3 Jahre, müssen eingeritten sein) Kleiner Onkel, Simmsalabimm, Ballerina & S Darshana - Sporthorses Thompson - Josua Nobel, Benji Killian Elias Thompson, Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel Luminairscassy xx, Santana FW, Chayton & SBS Amado - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#1 | Paardressur E SBS Charming Coradina & SBS Coco Chanel - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Luminairscassy xx & Weissgold - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Joel Peyton SBS Amado & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me & Imperial de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Cedric Durand Simmsalabimm & SBS Aphrodite - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Emilia Louise Holt Odette & Mimose BL - Gutshof Erlengrund - Gwendolyn Berger & Ianna Nowakovicz
#2 | Paardressur A Adorable Vice JAM & Confianza's Banolera - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Don Ramond JAM & Nachtheld JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Celtic Star & Weissherbst JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Heart Beats True & Lia Granada SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Hidalgo JAM & FJG Crusador - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Kleiner Onkel & Merlin - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Lea Eibler S Darshana & Ballerina - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Tabitha Nobel Chayton & Aurora´s Cordofino - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Michael Sommer Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Melina & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl & Jérôme Becker
#3 | Paardressur L Haakon & Milano - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Jule Pohl PS Jasons Late Night Show & Athene FR - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fairytale MW & FWs Revival - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel Mona Lisa & Twilight Theory - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel A.T. Loriot & Elfenprinz - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Lea Eibler Lord Nelson & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Jule Pohl Dancing Pleasure & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl & Hannah Isabella Thompson Calimera SHJ & Electra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM & Kalibra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Cricket & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Mia Nobel MC Tinkerbell & Naphtali MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nordheld Rose MW & Quenia de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Cedric Durand Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Ventura & A.T. Geronimo - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Captain Jack J & Chico's Way - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont & Cedric Durand Don Picar SHJ & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Jet Black xx & Orpheus SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Pfingstrose & Finja - Gutshof Erlengrund - Katharina Schrader & Anna Seidel
#4 | Paardressur M* D´Artagnan & Golden Sunlight - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Mia Nobel Charming Comtesse SHJ & Contae Chiarraí - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Dreaming of Stars xx & Heaven Can Wait - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Michael Sommer Nevilla & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Red Sunset xx & Remember - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Royal Rendezvous & Cassini Picaro Rb - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Freibeuter SHJ & GS Remolino Rh - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Hiscox Ascaro MA & Ninja - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Royal Blanch & SBS Charming Champ - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#5 | Paardressur S* Black Soldier DGN & Diamante LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Sternenwanderer & Warrent - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Fymkje CB & Lady Amélie JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson MC Camilla & MC Fabergé - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Kenneth Lamont Nastjenka & Romantica - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SWH Nicht mein Herz & WPE Gamare - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Caballos Gil Vicente Sw & Caballos Lancador - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Candor JAM & Charming Boy - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Pluto Neptuna & Rb's French Freshly KHR - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romancero JAM & Romantic Remember JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romke & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#6 | Paarspringen E Black Soldier DGN & Caballos Lancador - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Emilia Louise Holt Fymkje CB & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Greg Fitzgerald & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me & Imperial de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Cedric Durand Sternenwanderer & SBS Aphrodite - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx & MC Fabergé - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Kenneth Lamont Caballos Lancador & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nastjenka & Romancero JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Emilia Louise Holt SBS Charming Coradina & SBS Coco Chanel - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nachtheld JAM & SBS Amado - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Captain Jack Sparrow & Descandos Will you ever love me S - Gutshof Erlengrund - Benjamin Müller & Niklas Freistetter
#7 | Paarspringen A Elfenprinz & Adorable Vice JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler & Hannah Isabella Thompson Haakon & Merlin Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Confianza's Banolera & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson MC Camilla & Remember - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jule Pohl MC Tinkerbell & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jérôme Becker Don Picar SHJ & Don Ramond JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Celtic Star & Chayton - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel S Darshana & Weissherbst JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romke & Royal Blanch - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Kenneth Lamont
#8 | Paarspringen L Golden Sunlight & Milano - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Kleiner Onkel & PS Jasons Late Night Show - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Simon Nobel Fairytale MW & Twilight Theory - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Tabitha Nobel Warrent & Dancing Pleasure - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl A.T. Loriot & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Donnertanz SHJ & A.T. Geronimo - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM & Kalibra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Amélie JAM & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Romantica & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Jérôme Becker Candor JAM & Captain Jack J - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Kenneth Lamont FWs Revival & Hiscox Ascaro MA - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Jet Black xx & Rb's French Freshly KHR - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romantic Remember JAM & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Simon Nobel Juniper & Amatista - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin & Josy Hübner Devil in Disguise & Grosso DC - Gutshof Erlengrund - Daniel Müller & Benjamin Müller
#9 | Paarspringen M* D´Artagnan & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jule Pohl Athene FR & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Contae Chiarraí & Dreaming of Stars xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Electra SHJ & Heaven Can Wait - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Lia Granada SHJ & Melina - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Jule Pohl Naphtali MW & Red Sunset xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Mia Nobel Royal Rendezvous & Aurora´s Cordofino - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel & Michael Sommer Cassini Picaro Rb & Charming Boy - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Freibeuter SHJ & Ninja - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Vanessa Sasse Orpheus SHJ & SBS Charming Champ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel
#10 | Paarspringen S* Lord Nelson & Calimera SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Charming Comtesse SHJ & Heart Beats True - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Cricket & Nordheld Rose MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Quenia de Reve & SBS Ventura - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Hannah Isabella Thompson Weissgold & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Mia Nobel Chico's Way & Con Vivant - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Hannah Isabella Thompson FJG Crusador & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Michael Sommer & Bill Matt Damon Thompson GS Remolino Rh & Hidalgo JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#11 | Mannschaftsdressur E SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx, Weissgold, Con Vivant & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Amado & SBS Atlantus - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson Odette, Elisa, Mimose BL & A.T. Fair Lady - Gutshof Erlengrund - Gwendolyn Berger, Anna Seidel, Katharina Schrader & Ianna Nowakovicz
#12 | Mannschaftsdressur A Kleiner Onkel, Merlin, Millionaires Murder BZ & King Artus - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel, Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Amber, Ballerina, S Darshana & Melina - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel, Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Adorable Vice JAM, Confianza's Banolera, Heart Beats True & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Lia Granada SHJ, Aurora´s Cordofino, Chayton & Hidalgo JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Michael Sommer, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Don Ramond JAM, FJG Crusador, Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Michael Sommer, Joel Peyton & Hannah Isabella Thompson Nachtheld JAM, SBS Celtic Star, Weissherbst JAM & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Simon Nobel
#13 | Mannschaftsdressur L A.T. Loriot, Elfenprinz, Lord Nelson & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Lea Eibler, Jérôme Becker & Jule Pohl Haakon, Milano, PS Jasons Late Night Show & Athene FR - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Jule Pohl, Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fairytale MW, Mona Lisa, Twilight Theory & FWs Revival - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Simon Nobel, Tabitha Nobel & Joel Peyton Calimera SHJ, Dancing Pleasure, Donnertanz SHJ & Electra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jule Pohl, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM, Lady Cricket, MC Tinkerbell & Naphtali MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Amélie Lamont & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kalibra SHJ, Quenia de Reve, Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Cedric Durand, Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nordheld Rose MW, SBS Ventura, A.T. Geronimo & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Mia Nobel Captain Jack J, Chico's Way, Don Picar SHJ & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont, Cedric Durand, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Jet Black xx, Orpheus SHJ, Take me to Ateri MW & Golden Sunlight - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Mia Nobel
#14 | Mannschaftsspringen E SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx, Caballos Lancador, Black Soldier DGN & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Amado & SBS Atlantus - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson Sternenwanderer, Fymkje CB, MC Fabergé & Nastjenka - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Greg Fitzgerald, Kenneth Lamont & Emilia Louise Holt SWH Nicht mein Herz, Nachtheld JAM, Romancero JAM & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Joel Peyton & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#15 | Mannschaftsspringen A S Darshana, Merlin, Millionaires Murder BZ & Don Picar SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel, Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Amber, Haakon, S Darshana & Remember- Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel, Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Adorable Vice JAM, Confianza's Banolera, Donnertanz SHJ & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Elfenprinz, Santana FW, Chayton & Don Ramond JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Michael Sommer, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Romancero JAM, MC Camilla, Weissherbst JAM & Romke - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Amélie Lamont, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Cedric Durand Nachtheld JAM, SBS Celtic Star, Royal Blanch & MC Tinkerbell - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Kenneth Lamont & Amélie Lamont
#16 | Mannschaftsspringen L A.T. Loriot, Milano, Golden Sunlight & Kleiner Onkel - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Jule Pohl, Timo Nobel & Mia Nobel PS Jasons Late Night Show, Warrent, Dancing Pleasure & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel, Mia Nobel, Jule Pohl & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Fairytale MW, Freyja of Asgaard JAM, Mona Lisa & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Simon Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kalibra SHJ, Romantica, Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Amélie JAM, Twilight Theory, A.T. Geronimo & Captain Jack J - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Tabitha Nobel, Joel Peyton & Kenneth Lamont Candor JAM, FWs Revival, Hiscox Ascaro MA & Jet Black xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Simon Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Rb's French Freshly KHR, Romantic Remember JAM, Electra SHJ & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jule Pohl Juniper, Amatista, Grosso DC & Devil in Disguise - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin, Josy Hübner, Benjamin Müller & Daniel Müller
#17 | Mannschaftsgeschicklichkeitswettbewerb (Pferde ab 3 Jahre, müssen eingeritten sein) Kleiner Onkel, Simmsalabimm, Ballerina & S Darshana - Sporthorses Thompson - Josua Nobel, Benji Killian Elias Thompson, Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel Luminairscassy xx, Santana FW, Chayton & SBS Amado - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Esmerado, Smaragd 142, Kairo & Windfang - Gutshof Erlengrund - Anna Seidel, Benjamin Müller, Theresa Winkler & Ianna Nowakovicz Juniper, Descandos Will you ever love me S, Amatista & Pfingstrose - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin, Niklas Freistetter, Josy Hübner & Katharina Schrader
#1 | Paardressur E SBS Charming Coradina & SBS Coco Chanel - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Luminairscassy xx & Weissgold - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Joel Peyton SBS Amado & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me & Imperial de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Cedric Durand Simmsalabimm & SBS Aphrodite - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Emilia Louise Holt Odette & Mimose BL - Gutshof Erlengrund - Gwendolyn Berger & Ianna Nowakovicz Kringla frá Norðtungu -Die Haltergemeinschaft -Fabi & Charlotte - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#2 | Paardressur A Adorable Vice JAM & Confianza's Banolera - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Don Ramond JAM & Nachtheld JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Celtic Star & Weissherbst JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Heart Beats True & Lia Granada SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Hidalgo JAM & FJG Crusador - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Kleiner Onkel & Merlin - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Lea Eibler S Darshana & Ballerina - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Tabitha Nobel Chayton & Aurora´s Cordofino - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Michael Sommer Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Melina & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl & Jérôme Becker Kringla frá Norðtungu -Die Haltergemeinschaft -Fabi & Balsame - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena Kæti von der Haltergemeinschaft - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Fabi & Perla Ignis - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#3 | Paardressur L Haakon & Milano - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Jule Pohl PS Jasons Late Night Show & Athene FR - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fairytale MW & FWs Revival - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel Mona Lisa & Twilight Theory - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel A.T. Loriot & Elfenprinz - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Lea Eibler Lord Nelson & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Jule Pohl Dancing Pleasure & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl & Hannah Isabella Thompson Calimera SHJ & Electra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM & Kalibra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Cricket & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Mia Nobel MC Tinkerbell & Naphtali MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nordheld Rose MW & Quenia de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Cedric Durand Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Ventura & A.T. Geronimo - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Captain Jack J & Chico's Way - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont & Cedric Durand Don Picar SHJ & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Jet Black xx & Orpheus SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Pfingstrose & Finja - Gutshof Erlengrund - Katharina Schrader & Anna Seidel Shady Girl - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Fabi & Fly Away - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#4 | Paardressur M* D´Artagnan & Golden Sunlight - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Mia Nobel Charming Comtesse SHJ & Contae Chiarraí - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Dreaming of Stars xx & Heaven Can Wait - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Michael Sommer Nevilla & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Red Sunset xx & Remember - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Royal Rendezvous & Cassini Picaro Rb - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Freibeuter SHJ & GS Remolino Rh - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Hiscox Ascaro MA & Ninja - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Royal Blanch & SBS Charming Champ - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#5 | Paardressur S* Black Soldier DGN & Diamante LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Sternenwanderer & Warrent - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Fymkje CB & Lady Amélie JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson MC Camilla & MC Fabergé - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Kenneth Lamont Nastjenka & Romantica - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SWH Nicht mein Herz & WPE Gamare - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Caballos Gil Vicente Sw & Caballos Lancador - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Candor JAM & Charming Boy - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Pluto Neptuna & Rb's French Freshly KHR - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romancero JAM & Romantic Remember JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romke & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#6 | Paarspringen E Black Soldier DGN & Caballos Lancador - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Emilia Louise Holt Fymkje CB & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Greg Fitzgerald & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me & Imperial de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Cedric Durand Sternenwanderer & SBS Aphrodite - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx & MC Fabergé - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Kenneth Lamont Caballos Lancador & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nastjenka & Romancero JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Emilia Louise Holt SBS Charming Coradina & SBS Coco Chanel - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nachtheld JAM & SBS Amado - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Captain Jack Sparrow & Descandos Will you ever love me S - Gutshof Erlengrund - Benjamin Müller & Niklas Freistetter
#7 | Paarspringen A Elfenprinz & Adorable Vice JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler & Hannah Isabella Thompson Haakon & Merlin Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler Confianza's Banolera & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson MC Camilla & Remember - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jule Pohl MC Tinkerbell & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jérôme Becker Don Picar SHJ & Don Ramond JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Celtic Star & Chayton - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel S Darshana & Weissherbst JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romke & Royal Blanch - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Kenneth Lamont
#8 | Paarspringen L Golden Sunlight & Milano - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Kleiner Onkel & PS Jasons Late Night Show - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Simon Nobel Fairytale MW & Twilight Theory - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Tabitha Nobel Warrent & Dancing Pleasure - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl A.T. Loriot & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Donnertanz SHJ & A.T. Geronimo - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM & Kalibra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Amélie JAM & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Romantica & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Jérôme Becker Candor JAM & Captain Jack J - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Kenneth Lamont FWs Revival & Hiscox Ascaro MA - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Jet Black xx & Rb's French Freshly KHR - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson Romantic Remember JAM & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Simon Nobel Juniper & Amatista - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin & Josy Hübner Devil in Disguise & Grosso DC - Gutshof Erlengrund - Daniel Müller & Benjamin Müller
#9 | Paarspringen M* D´Artagnan & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jule Pohl Athene FR & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Contae Chiarraí & Dreaming of Stars xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Electra SHJ & Heaven Can Wait - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer Lia Granada SHJ & Melina - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Jule Pohl Naphtali MW & Red Sunset xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Mia Nobel Royal Rendezvous & Aurora´s Cordofino - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel & Michael Sommer Cassini Picaro Rb & Charming Boy - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Freibeuter SHJ & Ninja - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Vanessa Sasse Orpheus SHJ & SBS Charming Champ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel Shady Girl - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Fabi & Fly Away - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#10 | Paarspringen S* Lord Nelson & Calimera SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Charming Comtesse SHJ & Heart Beats True - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Cricket & Nordheld Rose MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Quenia de Reve & SBS Ventura - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Hannah Isabella Thompson Weissgold & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Mia Nobel Chico's Way & Con Vivant - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Hannah Isabella Thompson FJG Crusador & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Michael Sommer & Bill Matt Damon Thompson GS Remolino Rh & Hidalgo JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#11 | Mannschaftsdressur E SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx, Weissgold, Con Vivant & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Amado & SBS Atlantus - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson Odette, Elisa, Mimose BL & A.T. Fair Lady - Gutshof Erlengrund - Gwendolyn Berger, Anna Seidel, Katharina Schrader & Ianna Nowakovicz
#12 | Mannschaftsdressur A Kleiner Onkel, Merlin, Millionaires Murder BZ & King Artus - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel, Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Amber, Ballerina, S Darshana & Melina - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel, Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Adorable Vice JAM, Confianza's Banolera, Heart Beats True & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Lia Granada SHJ, Aurora´s Cordofino, Chayton & Hidalgo JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Michael Sommer, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Don Ramond JAM, FJG Crusador, Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Michael Sommer, Joel Peyton & Hannah Isabella Thompson Nachtheld JAM, SBS Celtic Star, Weissherbst JAM & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Simon Nobel
#13 | Mannschaftsdressur L A.T. Loriot, Elfenprinz, Lord Nelson & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Lea Eibler, Jérôme Becker & Jule Pohl Haakon, Milano, PS Jasons Late Night Show & Athene FR - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Jule Pohl, Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fairytale MW, Mona Lisa, Twilight Theory & FWs Revival - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Simon Nobel, Tabitha Nobel & Joel Peyton Calimera SHJ, Dancing Pleasure, Donnertanz SHJ & Electra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jule Pohl, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Joel Peyton Freyja of Asgaard JAM, Lady Cricket, MC Tinkerbell & Naphtali MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Amélie Lamont & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kalibra SHJ, Quenia de Reve, Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Cedric Durand, Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Nordheld Rose MW, SBS Ventura, A.T. Geronimo & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Mia Nobel Captain Jack J, Chico's Way, Don Picar SHJ & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont, Cedric Durand, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Jet Black xx, Orpheus SHJ, Take me to Ateri MW & Golden Sunlight - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Mia Nobel
#14 | Mannschaftsspringen E SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Luminairscassy xx, Caballos Lancador, Black Soldier DGN & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Amado & SBS Atlantus - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson Sternenwanderer, Fymkje CB, MC Fabergé & Nastjenka - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Greg Fitzgerald, Kenneth Lamont & Emilia Louise Holt SWH Nicht mein Herz, Nachtheld JAM, Romancero JAM & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Joel Peyton & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#15 | Mannschaftsspringen A S Darshana, Merlin, Millionaires Murder BZ & Don Picar SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel, Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson Amber, Haakon, S Darshana & Remember- Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel, Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl Adorable Vice JAM, Confianza's Banolera, Donnertanz SHJ & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker Elfenprinz, Santana FW, Chayton & Don Ramond JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Michael Sommer, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Romancero JAM, MC Camilla, Weissherbst JAM & Romke - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Amélie Lamont, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Cedric Durand Nachtheld JAM, SBS Celtic Star, Royal Blanch & MC Tinkerbell - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Kenneth Lamont & Amélie Lamont
#16 | Mannschaftsspringen L A.T. Loriot, Milano, Golden Sunlight & Kleiner Onkel - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Jule Pohl, Timo Nobel & Mia Nobel PS Jasons Late Night Show, Warrent, Dancing Pleasure & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel, Mia Nobel, Jule Pohl & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Fairytale MW, Freyja of Asgaard JAM, Mona Lisa & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Simon Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Kalibra SHJ, Romantica, Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Lady Amélie JAM, Twilight Theory, A.T. Geronimo & Captain Jack J - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Tabitha Nobel, Joel Peyton & Kenneth Lamont Candor JAM, FWs Revival, Hiscox Ascaro MA & Jet Black xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Simon Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Rb's French Freshly KHR, Romantic Remember JAM, Electra SHJ & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jule Pohl Juniper, Amatista, Grosso DC & Devil in Disguise - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin, Josy Hübner, Benjamin Müller & Daniel Müller
#17 | Mannschaftsgeschicklichkeitswettbewerb (Pferde ab 3 Jahre, müssen eingeritten sein) Kleiner Onkel, Simmsalabimm, Ballerina & S Darshana - Sporthorses Thompson - Josua Nobel, Benji Killian Elias Thompson, Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel Luminairscassy xx, Santana FW, Chayton & SBS Amado - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson Esmerado, Smaragd 142, Kairo & Windfang - Gutshof Erlengrund - Anna Seidel, Benjamin Müller, Theresa Winkler & Ianna Nowakovicz Juniper, Descandos Will you ever love me S, Amatista & Pfingstrose - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin, Niklas Freistetter, Josy Hübner & Katharina Schrader
Ergebnisse: #1 | Paardressur E 1. SBS Amado & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt 2. Kringla frá Norðtungu -Die Haltergemeinschaft -Fabi & Charlotte - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena 3. SBS Charming Coradina & SBS Coco Chanel - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 4. SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 5. Luminairscassy xx & Weissgold - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Joel Peyton 6. Odette & Mimose BL - Gutshof Erlengrund - Gwendolyn Berger & Ianna Nowakovicz 7. Fabulous Follow Me & Imperial de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Cedric Durand 8. Simmsalabimm & SBS Aphrodite - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Emilia Louise Holt
#2 | Paardressur A 1. Kæti von der Haltergemeinschaft - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Fabi & Perla Ignis - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena 2. Kringla frá Norðtungu -Die Haltergemeinschaft -Fabi & Balsame - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena 3. SBS Celtic Star & Weissherbst JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 4. Kleiner Onkel & Merlin - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Lea Eibler 5. Heart Beats True & Lia Granada SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton 6. Hidalgo JAM & FJG Crusador - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer 7. Don Ramond JAM & Nachtheld JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 8. Adorable Vice JAM & Confianza's Banolera - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 9. Chayton & Aurora´s Cordofino - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Michael Sommer 10. S Darshana & Ballerina - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Tabitha Nobel 11. Melina & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl & Jérôme Becker 12. Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler 13. Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker
#3 | Paardressur L 1. SBS Ventura & A.T. Geronimo - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton 2. Calimera SHJ & Electra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton 3. Jet Black xx & Orpheus SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 4. Pfingstrose & Finja - Gutshof Erlengrund - Katharina Schrader & Anna Seidel 5. Shady Girl - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Fabi & Fly Away - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena 6. Haakon & Milano - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Jule Pohl 7. Dancing Pleasure & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl & Hannah Isabella Thompson 8. Don Picar SHJ & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 9. Fairytale MW & FWs Revival - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel 10. PS Jasons Late Night Show & Athene FR - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson 11. Captain Jack J & Chico's Way - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont & Cedric Durand 12. Nordheld Rose MW & Quenia de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Cedric Durand 13. Lady Cricket & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Mia Nobel 14. Mona Lisa & Twilight Theory - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel 15. A.T. Loriot & Elfenprinz - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Lea Eibler 16. Freyja of Asgaard JAM & Kalibra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 17. Lord Nelson & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Jule Pohl 18. Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 19. MC Tinkerbell & Naphtali MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#4 | Paardressur M* 1. D´Artagnan & Golden Sunlight - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Mia Nobel 2. Red Sunset xx & Remember - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl 3. Dreaming of Stars xx & Heaven Can Wait - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Michael Sommer 4. Freibeuter SHJ & GS Remolino Rh - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 5. Charming Comtesse SHJ & Contae Chiarraí - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 6. Royal Blanch & SBS Charming Champ - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont & Hannah Isabella Thompson 7. Nevilla & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 8. Hiscox Ascaro MA & Ninja - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer 9. Royal Rendezvous & Cassini Picaro Rb - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#5 | Paardressur S* 1. Sternenwanderer & Warrent - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel 2. Fymkje CB & Lady Amélie JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson 3. Caballos Gil Vicente Sw & Caballos Lancador - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 4. Nastjenka & Romantica - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 5. Romancero JAM & Romantic Remember JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson 6. Candor JAM & Charming Boy - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel 7. SWH Nicht mein Herz & WPE Gamare - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 8. Romke & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 9. Pluto Neptuna & Rb's French Freshly KHR - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Hannah Isabella Thompson 10. Black Soldier DGN & Diamante LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 11. MC Camilla & MC Fabergé - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Kenneth Lamont
#6 | Paarspringen E
1. Nastjenka & Romancero JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Emilia Louise Holt 2. Captain Jack Sparrow & Descandos Will you ever love me S - Gutshof Erlengrund - Benjamin Müller & Niklas Freistetter 3. Luminairscassy xx & MC Fabergé - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Kenneth Lamont 4. Nachtheld JAM & SBS Amado - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 5. Black Soldier DGN & Caballos Lancador - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Emilia Louise Holt 6. Fabulous Follow Me & Imperial de Reve - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Cedric Durand 7. Caballos Lancador & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 8. Fymkje CB & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Greg Fitzgerald & Emilia Louise Holt 9. SBS Charming Coradina & SBS Coco Chanel - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 10. Sternenwanderer & SBS Aphrodite - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt 11. SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#7 | Paarspringen A 1. Haakon & Merlin Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler 2. SBS Celtic Star & Chayton - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel 3. Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber Millionaires Murder BZ & Amber - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel & Lea Eibler 4. Don Picar SHJ & Don Ramond JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 5. Romke & Royal Blanch - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Kenneth Lamont 6. MC Tinkerbell & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jérôme Becker 7. Elfenprinz & Adorable Vice JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler & Hannah Isabella Thompson 8. Confianza's Banolera & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 9. S Darshana & Weissherbst JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson 10. MC Camilla & Remember - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jule Pohl
#8 | Paarspringen L 1. Freyja of Asgaard JAM & Kalibra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 2. Romantic Remember JAM & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Simon Nobel 3. Romantica & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt & Jérôme Becker 4. Golden Sunlight & Milano - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl 5. Jet Black xx & Rb's French Freshly KHR - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson 6. Juniper & Amatista - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin & Josy Hübner 7. Warrent & Dancing Pleasure - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl 8. Candor JAM & Captain Jack J - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Kenneth Lamont 9. FWs Revival & Hiscox Ascaro MA - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson 10. Devil in Disguise & Grosso DC - Gutshof Erlengrund - Daniel Müller & Benjamin Müller 11. Kleiner Onkel & PS Jasons Late Night Show - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel & Simon Nobel 12. Fairytale MW & Twilight Theory - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel & Tabitha Nobel 13. Lady Amélie JAM & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 14. A.T. Loriot & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 15. Donnertanz SHJ & A.T. Geronimo - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Joel Peyton
#9 | Paarspringen M* 1. Cassini Picaro Rb & Charming Boy - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel 2. D´Artagnan & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont & Jule Pohl 3. Lia Granada SHJ & Melina - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton & Jule Pohl 4. Electra SHJ & Heaven Can Wait - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Michael Sommer 5. Athene FR & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel 6. Royal Rendezvous & Aurora´s Cordofino - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel & Michael Sommer 7. Shady Girl - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Fabi & Fly Away - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena 8. Contae Chiarraí & Dreaming of Stars xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 9. Naphtali MW & Red Sunset xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Mia Nobel 10. Freibeuter SHJ & Ninja - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Vanessa Sasse 11. Orpheus SHJ & SBS Charming Champ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Mia Nobel
#10 | Paarspringen S* 1. FJG Crusador & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Michael Sommer & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 2. Charming Comtesse SHJ & Heart Beats True - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 3. Weissgold & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Mia Nobel 4. Quenia de Reve & SBS Ventura - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Hannah Isabella Thompson 5. Lord Nelson & Calimera SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson 6. Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 7. Lady Cricket & Nordheld Rose MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson 8. GS Remolino Rh & Hidalgo JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 9. Chico's Way & Con Vivant - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#11 | Mannschaftsdressur E 1. SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt 2. Luminairscassy xx, Weissgold, Con Vivant & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson 3. Odette, Elisa, Mimose BL & A.T. Fair Lady - Gutshof Erlengrund - Gwendolyn Berger, Anna Seidel, Katharina Schrader & Ianna Nowakovicz 4. Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Amado & SBS Atlantus - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#12 | Mannschaftsdressur A 1. Lia Granada SHJ, Aurora´s Cordofino, Chayton & Hidalgo JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Michael Sommer, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 2. Nachtheld JAM, SBS Celtic Star, Weissherbst JAM & Mona Lisa - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Simon Nobel 3. Adorable Vice JAM, Confianza's Banolera, Heart Beats True & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker 4. Amber, Ballerina, S Darshana & Melina - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel, Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl 5. Don Ramond JAM, FJG Crusador, Kaiserstolz & Luminair Lydgate - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Michael Sommer, Joel Peyton & Hannah Isabella Thompson 6. Kleiner Onkel, Merlin, Millionaires Murder BZ & King Artus - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel, Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#13 | Mannschaftsdressur L 1. Haakon, Milano, PS Jasons Late Night Show & Athene FR - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Jule Pohl, Simon Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson 2. A.T. Loriot, Elfenprinz, Lord Nelson & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Lea Eibler, Jérôme Becker & Jule Pohl 3. Jet Black xx, Orpheus SHJ, Take me to Ateri MW & Golden Sunlight - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Mia Nobel 4. Calimera SHJ, Dancing Pleasure, Donnertanz SHJ & Electra SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jule Pohl, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Joel Peyton 5. Kalibra SHJ, Quenia de Reve, Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Cedric Durand, Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 6. Nordheld Rose MW, SBS Ventura, A.T. Geronimo & Atlantis - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Mia Nobel 7. Freyja of Asgaard JAM, Lady Cricket, MC Tinkerbell & Naphtali MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Amélie Lamont & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 8. Fairytale MW, Mona Lisa, Twilight Theory & FWs Revival - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Simon Nobel, Tabitha Nobel & Joel Peyton 9. Captain Jack J, Chico's Way, Don Picar SHJ & Gismo MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont, Cedric Durand, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson
#14 | Mannschaftsspringen E 1. SWH Nicht mein Herz, Nachtheld JAM, Romancero JAM & Vence Seville MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Joel Peyton & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 2. Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Amado & SBS Atlantus - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Hannah Isabella Thompson 3. Sternenwanderer, Fymkje CB, MC Fabergé & Nastjenka - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Greg Fitzgerald, Kenneth Lamont & Emilia Louise Holt 4. Luminairscassy xx, Caballos Lancador, Black Soldier DGN & SBS Camaro - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Hannah Isabella Thompson 5. SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt
#15 | Mannschaftsspringen A 1. Amber, Haakon, S Darshana & Remember- Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel, Mia Nobel & Jule Pohl 2. Romancero JAM, MC Camilla, Weissherbst JAM & Romke - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Amélie Lamont, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Cedric Durand 3. Nachtheld JAM, SBS Celtic Star, Royal Blanch & MC Tinkerbell - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Kenneth Lamont & Amélie Lamont 4. Adorable Vice JAM, Confianza's Banolera, Donnertanz SHJ & Santana FW - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jérôme Becker 5. Elfenprinz, Santana FW, Chayton & Don Ramond JAM - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Michael Sommer, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 6. S Darshana, Merlin, Millionaires Murder BZ & Don Picar SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel, Lea Eibler, Tabitha Nobel & Hannah Isabella Thompson
#16 | Mannschaftsspringen L 1. Fairytale MW, Freyja of Asgaard JAM, Mona Lisa & Perypra MW - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Simon Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 2. Kalibra SHJ, Romantica, Santana FW & Special Time xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton, Jérôme Becker & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 3. Juniper, Amatista, Grosso DC & Devil in Disguise - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin, Josy Hübner, Benjamin Müller & Daniel Müller 4. Candor JAM, FWs Revival, Hiscox Ascaro MA & Jet Black xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Simon Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 5. Rb's French Freshly KHR, Romantic Remember JAM, Electra SHJ & Martini - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Joel Peyton & Jule Pohl 6. PS Jasons Late Night Show, Warrent, Dancing Pleasure & Donnertanz SHJ - Sporthorses Thompson - Simon Nobel, Mia Nobel, Jule Pohl & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 7. Lady Amélie JAM, Twilight Theory, A.T. Geronimo & Captain Jack J - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Tabitha Nobel, Joel Peyton & Kenneth Lamont 8. A.T. Loriot, Milano, Golden Sunlight & Kleiner Onkel - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton, Jule Pohl, Timo Nobel & Mia Nobel
#17 | Mannschaftsgeschicklichkeitswettbewerb (Pferde ab 3 Jahre, müssen eingeritten sein) 1. SBS Aphrodite, SBS Charming Coradina, SBS Coco Chanel & SBS Faribaa - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel, Hannah Isabella Thompson, Bill Matt Damon Thompson & Emilia Louise Holt 2. Fabulous Follow Me, Imperial de Reve, SBS Atlantus & SBS Camaro - Amélie Lamont, Cedric Durand, Hannah Isabella Thompson & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 3. Esmerado, Smaragd 142, Kairo & Windfang - Gutshof Erlengrund - Anna Seidel, Benjamin Müller, Theresa Winkler & Ianna Nowakovicz 4. Luminairscassy xx, Santana FW, Chayton & SBS Amado - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson, Jérôme Becker, Mia Nobel & Bill Matt Damon Thompson 5. Juniper, Descandos Will you ever love me S, Amatista & Pfingstrose - Gutshof Erlengrund - Alexander Rubin, Niklas Freistetter, Josy Hübner & Katharina Schrader 6. Kleiner Onkel, Simmsalabimm, Ballerina & S Darshana - Sporthorses Thompson - Josua Nobel, Benji Killian Elias Thompson, Tabitha Nobel & Simon Nobel