#3 | Ungraded (2.800m) (xx) Cairo Moment RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher
#4 | Maiden (1.100m) (xx) Whispering Crown RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle
#5 | Maiden (1.700m) (xx) Cat Royale RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith
#6 | Maiden (2.800m) (xx) Dancing Demon - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty Honor Kodak RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ellen Harder
#7 | Allowance (1.100m) (xx) Midnight Spark RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen Viserya RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher
#8 | Allowance (1.700m) (xx) Supergirl SR - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval Castle Charm RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling Haziardo SR - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith
#9 | Allowance (2.800m) (xx) The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel Nineteeneightyfour - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling
#10 | G III (1.100m) (xx)
#11 | G III (1.700m) (xx) Cioccoholic SR - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson
#12 | G III (2.800m) (xx) MYS Velociraptor - Rising Sun Stables - Silvio Gagliardo Velvet Victory - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson
#13 | G II (1.100m) (xx) Margaux MH - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle
#14 | G II (1.700m) (xx)
#15 | G II (2.800m) (xx)
#16 | G I (1.100m) (xx) Throne Claimant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm Warlord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Josh Mason Paper Wings SR - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal
#17 | G I (1.700m) (xx) Green Tempest - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson Ghost Orchid - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal Malibu Barbie - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm
#18 | G I (2.800m) (xx) Royal Bisquit RS - Rising Sun Stables - Steffen Wielers Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher
#19 | Ungraded (1.100m) (ox)
#20 | Ungraded (1.700m) (ox)
#21 | Ungraded (2.800m) (ox)
#22 | Maiden (1.100m) (ox)
#23 | Maiden (1.700m) (ox)
#24 | Maiden (2.800m) (ox)
#25 | Allowance (1.100m) (ox)
#26 | Allowance (1.700m) (ox)
#27 | Allowance (2.800m) (ox)
#28 | G III (1.100m) (ox)
#29 | G III (1.700m) (ox)
#30 | G III (2.800m) (ox)
#31 | G II (1.100m) (ox)
#32 | G II (1.700m) (ox)
#33 | G II (2.800m) (ox)
#34 | G I (1.100m) (ox)
#35 | G I (1.700m) (ox)
#36 | G I (2.800m) (ox)
#37 | Reitpferderennen (für alle Pferde offen) (1.500m)
#38 | Reitponyrennen (für alle Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#39 | Stutenrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#40 | Hengstrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#41 | Wallachrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#1 | Ungraded (1.100m) (xx) LBR Heini Longkorn xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner LBR Resting Effect xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke
#2 | Ungraded (1.700m) (xx) Dream Ahead - Rising Sun Stables - Linus Mayenburg Parlaya CKS - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval LBR MyHopeForGold xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder
#3 | Ungraded (2.800m) (xx) Cairo Moment RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher
#4 | Maiden (1.100m) (xx) Whispering Crown RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle
#5 | Maiden (1.700m) (xx) Cat Royale RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith LBR Star Coffee xx - Longbourn Racing - Mackenzie Mistletoe LBR Competetive Crocodile xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke LBR Alpha Centauri xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder LBR Majas Gentleman xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer
#6 | Maiden (2.800m) (xx) Dancing Demon - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty Honor Kodak RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ellen Harder AZ Moonlit Genius xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke
#7 | Allowance (1.100m) (xx) Midnight Spark RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen Viserya RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher LBR Tigertanz xx - Longbourn Racing - Norah Mistletoe LBR Tigerprinzessin xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner
#8 | Allowance (1.700m) (xx) Supergirl SR - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval Castle Charm RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling Haziardo SR - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith LBR Ice Race xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer
#9 | Allowance (2.800m) (xx) The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel Nineteeneightyfour - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling Pegasus Tale xx - Longbourn Racing - Mackenzie Mistleto
#10 | G III (1.100m) (xx) LBR Failed Effect xx - Longbourn Racing - Mackenzie Mistletoe LBR Majas Charming Girl xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner
#11 | G III (1.700m) (xx) Cioccoholic SR - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson LBR Quantensprung xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder LBR Tigerherz xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer LBR Minas Morgul xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke
#12 | G III (2.800m) (xx) MYS Velociraptor - Rising Sun Stables - Silvio Gagliardo Velvet Victory - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson LBR Hieronymus Bosch xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer Dreaming Truth SR xx - Longbourn Racing - Kaisa Liikanen LBR Sienna Wow xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder LBR Vane Kitten xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner
#13 | G II (1.100m) (xx) Margaux MH - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle LBR Ice Samurai xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke
#14 | G II (1.700m) (xx) AZ Geisterheld xx - Longbourn Racing - Kaisa Liikanen LBR Golden Maniac xx - Longbourn Racing - Norah Mistletoe
#15 | G II (2.800m) (xx) Mostly Fairytales SR xx - Longbourn Racing - Norah Mistletoe
#16 | G I (1.100m) (xx) Throne Claimant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm Warlord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Josh Mason Paper Wings SR - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal AZ Gentle Phoenix xx - Longbourn Racing - Kaisa Liikanen LBR Secret Rest xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder Do It Yourself xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer LBR Fervent Secret xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner LBR Tigerdieb xx - Longbourn Racing - Norah Mistletoe
#17 | G I (1.700m) (xx) Green Tempest - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson Ghost Orchid - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal Malibu Barbie - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm LBR Make Me Bay xx - Longbourn Racing - Mackenzie Mistletoe Blueberry Faygo xx- Longbourn Racing - Kaisa Liikanen LBR Quantum Q xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner Gemologist RS - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder
#18 | G I (2.800m) (xx) Royal Bisquit RS - Rising Sun Stables - Steffen Wielers Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher
#19 | Ungraded (1.100m) (ox)
#20 | Ungraded (1.700m) (ox)
#21 | Ungraded (2.800m) (ox)
#22 | Maiden (1.100m) (ox)
#23 | Maiden (1.700m) (ox)
#24 | Maiden (2.800m) (ox)
#25 | Allowance (1.100m) (ox)
#26 | Allowance (1.700m) (ox)
#27 | Allowance (2.800m) (ox)
#28 | G III (1.100m) (ox)
#29 | G III (1.700m) (ox)
#30 | G III (2.800m) (ox)
#31 | G II (1.100m) (ox)
#32 | G II (1.700m) (ox)
#33 | G II (2.800m) (ox)
#34 | G I (1.100m) (ox)
#35 | G I (1.700m) (ox)
#36 | G I (2.800m) (ox)
#37 | Reitpferderennen (für alle Pferde offen) (1.500m)
#38 | Reitponyrennen (für alle Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#39 | Stutenrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#40 | Hengstrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#41 | Wallachrennen (für alle Pferde/Ponys offen) (1.500m)
#1 | Ungraded (1.100m) (xx) 1. LBR Heini Longkorn xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner 2. Phantom 3. Phantom 4. LBR Resting Effect xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke
#2 | Ungraded (1.700m) (xx) 1. LBR MyHopeForGold xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder 2. Parlaya CKS - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval 3. Dream Ahead - Rising Sun Stables - Linus Mayenburg 4. Phantom
#3 | Ungraded (2.800m) (xx) 3. Cairo Moment RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher
#4 | Maiden (1.100m) (xx) 1. Whispering Crown RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle
#5 | Maiden (1.700m) (xx) 1. LBR Majas Gentleman xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer 2. LBR Star Coffee xx - Longbourn Racing - Mackenzie Mistletoe 3. LBR Competetive Crocodile xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke 4. LBR Alpha Centauri xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder 5. Cat Royale RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith
#6 | Maiden (2.800m) (xx) 1. Dancing Demon - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty 2. Honor Kodak RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ellen Harder 3. Phantom 4. AZ Moonlit Genius xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke
#7 | Allowance (1.100m) (xx) 1. LBR Tigerprinzessin xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner 2. LBR Tigertanz xx - Longbourn Racing - Norah Mistletoe 3. Midnight Spark RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen 4. Viserya RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher
#8 | Allowance (1.700m) (xx) 1. Haziardo SR - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith 2. Castle Charm RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling 3. Supergirl SR - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval 4. LBR Ice Race xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer
#9 | Allowance (2.800m) (xx) 1. Nineteeneightyfour - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling 2. The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel 3. Pegasus Tale xx - Longbourn Racing - Mackenzie Mistleto 4. Phantom
#10 | G III (1.100m) (xx) 1. LBR Majas Charming Girl xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner 2. LBR Failed Effect xx - Longbourn Racing - Mackenzie Mistletoe 3. Phantom 4. Phantom
#11 | G III (1.700m) (xx) 1. LBR Quantensprung xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder 2. LBR Tigerherz xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer 3. Cioccoholic SR - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson 4. LBR Minas Morgul xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke
#12 | G III (2.800m) (xx) 1. LBR Hieronymus Bosch xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer 2. MYS Velociraptor - Rising Sun Stables - Silvio Gagliardo 3. Velvet Victory - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson 4. LBR Vane Kitten xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner 5. LBR Sienna Wow xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder 6. Dreaming Truth SR xx - Longbourn Racing - Kaisa Liikanen
#13 | G II (1.100m) (xx) 1. Phantom 2. LBR Ice Samurai xx - Longbourn Racing - Rudi Geschke 3. Margaux MH - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle 4. Phantom
#14 | G II (1.700m) (xx) 1. AZ Geisterheld xx - Longbourn Racing - Kaisa Liikanen 2. LBR Golden Maniac xx - Longbourn Racing - Norah Mistletoe 3. Phantom 4. Phantom
#15 | G II (2.800m) (xx) 2. Mostly Fairytales SR xx - Longbourn Racing - Norah Mistletoe
#16 | G I (1.100m) (xx) 1. Do It Yourself xx - Longbourn Racing - Hanno Klinghofer 2. LBR Secret Rest xx - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder 3. Warlord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Josh Mason 4. LBR Fervent Secret xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner 5. AZ Gentle Phoenix xx - Longbourn Racing - Kaisa Liikanen 6. Throne Claimant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm 7. Paper Wings SR - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal 8. LBR Tigerdieb xx - Longbourn Racing - Norah Mistletoe
#17 | G I (1.700m) (xx) Green Tempest - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson Ghost Orchid - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal Malibu Barbie - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm LBR Make Me Bay xx - Longbourn Racing - Mackenzie Mistletoe Blueberry Faygo xx- Longbourn Racing - Kaisa Liikanen LBR Quantum Q xx - Longbourn Racing - Raphaela Sanner Gemologist RS - Longbourn Racing - Finn Kornfeder
#18 | G I (2.800m) (xx) 1. Phantom 2. Royal Bisquit RS - Rising Sun Stables - Steffen Wielers 3. Phantom 4. Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher